October 22, 2018

Who the FIT6 Programme is NOT suitable for?

Who the FIT6 Programme is NOT suitable for?

The FIT6 weight loss Programme is based on healthy eating and use of food supplements based on many minerals and vitamins associated with plant extracts of known effects.

There are, however, clinical situations that require the reduction or exclusion of food groups that are important for those following the Programme. There are also situations in which certain plant extracts are not...

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October 22, 2018

The essence of the food diary

The essence of the food diary

Do you know why I ask you to write your diary when doing FIT6?

Because this is the most important tool of this Programme! Why?

Imagine that you are participating in a weight loss Programme. You receive written dietary tips, but you cannot go to a dietitian for advice, there is no one to control your progress...

Where do you get strength and strong will from? Where do you get...

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